Papaya Coconut Chia Smoothie


Papaya chia smoothie is incredibly nutritious and detoxifying with tons of vitamin c, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, and folate, among other health benefits, it’s sure shot smoothie for busy morning, papaya and coconut milk make up the creamy, naturally sweet base, this papaya & chia smoothie is an energy boosting smoothie, with sugar free ingredients. Taste is very good with or without the addition of sugar. This smoothie is a Vegan, gluten free, kids friendly, Protein rich, diabetic friendly and suitable for Weight Loss Diet.

Papaya is best source to lower cholesterol, helps for weight loss, boost up immunity, low in calories, protects against arthritis, good for diabetic diet.

Chia Seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and protein. They also have essential nutrients and antioxidants.

Coconut milk is also beneficial for weight loss, heart health and boost immune system.


 Papaya pieces- ½ cup

Banana-1(Peel off and sliced)

Chia seeds- 1 tbsp.

Hot boiling water- ¼ cup (for soaking)

Coconut milk-1/2 cup (for blending)

Honey- 3 tbsp. (optional)

Fresh Mint leaves-4

Cardamom powder-1/4 tbsp.

Ice cubes-6 (optional)


Firstly, take the chia seeds and hot boiling water, together into small bowl. Set it aside for 15 minutes, let the chia seeds soak and bulge, once they are perfectly soaked and bulged in size, take a blender.

Transfer the papaya pieces and honey, blend them into smooth paste.

Now, add coconut milk, cardamom powder, water if require into the same blender, blend everything perfectly.

Serve the smoothie into glass.

Exclude the soaked water, and add the soaked chia seeds on top of each smootie glass.

Drop 2 ice cubes onto each glass, if interested. Now it’s done.