Sabudana Thalipeeth

Sabudana Thalipeeth is clean and touchy flapjacks made with custard pearls, beat potatoes, ground peanuts, and flavors. They are also alluded to as Upvasache Thalipeeth inside the Marathi lingo and can be implied as Sabudana roti. 

Sabudana Thalipeeth Recipe:

Here’s a basic recipe-


  • ⅔ cup sabudana (tapioca pearls)
  • 2 medium or big potatoes 
  • ½ teaspoon cumin powder
  • 4 tablespoon peanuts 
  • ½ inch ginger 
  • ¼ cup coriander 
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon sugar 
  • rock salt 
  • peanut oil or ghee


1. Drenching sabudana:

  • Choose and flush the sabudana well till you get straightforward water when washing.
  • Drench them overnight in sufficient water in a bowl.
  • The following day, all the water was depleted exceptionally well.
  • Make beyond any doubt there’s no water in them.

2. Making sago blend:

  • Include the squashed potatoes and all the fixings to the doused sabudana. Blend well.
  • Warm a non-adhered broiling container or a well-prepared cast iron skillet or tawa.
  • Spread 1 or 2 teaspoons of shelled nut oil or ghee on the container.
  • Apply a little oil on your palms.
  • Take a few parcels from the blend and flatten it together with your palms.
  • You’ll be too smooth on a ziplock pack.

3. Cooking sabudana thalipeeth:

  • Put the straightened circular on the broiling dish. Keep the warm to medium-low or medium.
  • Broil till both sides are brilliant brown and fresh. Rehash.
  • In the event that you have got an expansive skillet, you’ll be able cook 2 to 3 at the same time.

4. Serving recommendations:

  • On fasting days, serve it with any chutney or raita or hand crafted tomato ketchup made without onions and garlic.
  • You’ll be able to have it with curd (yogurt) that has been sweetened with a little sugar or jaggery.
  • For non-fasting days, you’ll serve with a chutney or raita or tomato ketchup made with onions or garlic.

For more recipes like this visit our official site Swadapna.

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