rava kachori

Rava Kachori

First of all we will make stuffing we need 300 gm. boiled potatoes, peeled off and mashed it and now mix spices into it add ½  salt, 1 inch ginger finally chopped ,1 tbsp coriander powder, ¼ tbsp mango powder and ¼ tbsp red chili powder, 1 tbsp mixed spices, coriander leaves and mix this properly and now stuffing is ready.

Now we will make dough, pour 1 cup rava, in 2 cup hot boiling water for kneading, add ¼ tbsp carom seeds and ½ tbsp salt into it, add 1 tbsp oil and mix until it become thick in consistency it will just take 1 minute to become thick, now off the flame and make it cool for some minutes, take some oil in pan and allow it to heat. Dough is turning cool stir it continuously dough has become cool it must not become too cool, dough must be soft and now we can touch it from hand and divide it into small portion with the help of oil in our palm, keep the ball equal size, roll the dough ball and flatten this to place the stuffing, now place stuffing ito it and lift from all side for closing the stuffing and press with the help of palm properly, now we will fry it oil is heated we will put 4-5 kachori in it in medium flame when kachori will change into golden brown color we will flip it and fry both side properly, take out all kachori from pan it will take 14-15 minutes to fry kachori in one time, now kachori is ready serve it from chutney.